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Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Pembahasan Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP

Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris ada yang mudah dan ada yang sukar. Berikut ini pembahasan soEdit HTMLal UN bahasa Ingris SMP tahun 2011 yang termasuk kategori sukar, tetapi kalau siswa teliti, dan tenang dalam mengerjakan soal berikut, soal ini bisa masuk kategori mudah. Dengan kata lain, semua soal ujian nasional bisa dicari jawaban yang benar jika kita sabar dan teliti.
Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP/Mts tahun 2011, paket 12 nomor 10 dan 11:

The Ambhara Hotel
Featuring well-designed guestrooms, this high-rise hotel is ideally located in the heart of South Jakarta at Kebayoran. The Ambhara Hotel is situated close to the central business district. It is within walking distance to Block M shopping area, where guests can find many shops and restaurants. It is adjacent to the Pasaraya Grande shopping center, which has the largest handicraft display in Indonesia. There are on-site restaurants that serve a variety of international cuisine.Guests of the hotel will enjoy the hotel for its modern facilities and convenient location in the commercial district.
 People can find ... in Pasaraya Grande.
A. a variety of international dishes.
B. many kinds of handicraft.
C. many kinds of shops.
D. a lot of guests.
Jawaban B. many kinds = largest = banyak
There are on-site restaurants that serve a variety of international cuisine". The underlined word means ...
A. food
B. cloth
C. furniture
D. appliance

Jawaban A. Di reastaurant kita dilayani karena ingin makan/makanan=food bukan untuk pakaian (B), furniture (perabot) ataupun appliance (peralatan rumah tangga)

Soal UN bahasa Inggris SMP nomor 17 sampai 19.
Waruga is a coffin made of stone that is used to put the dead body. It can be found in the Sawangan Village, the Airmandi sub-district, the Minahasa district of Manado, North Sulawesi. 17... has a cub shape. The dead body is put in a squatting position. It portrays that the dead person will return to God in the same position as he was in the mother's womb. The coffin is finely 18... with some patterns such as plants, animals, and traditional geometric. This philosophy is called by 19... as whom. Visiting Waruga means observing the incredible heritages of North Sulawesi.
17. A. it    B. Its     C. He     D. His
Jawaban A. kita sedang membicarakan kata benda dari kalimat sebelumnya.
18. A. carve     B. carved     C. carves     d. carving
Jawaban B. teks di atas banyak menggunakan bentuk pasif, ciri2nya ada to be: am, is, are, was, were diikuti kata kerja ke-3.
19. A. the local people    B. the dead body    C. the mothers    D.the animals
Jawaban A: namanaya filosofi ya,... oleh orang bukan binatang atau lainnya.
Demikian sedikit pembasan soal UN bahasa Inggris tahun yang lalu. Bagi siswa kelas IX SMP/MTs, yakinlah bahwa kamu BISA! tidak ada soal yang sukar. Semua soal ada jawabannya. semoga sukses

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